Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dogs Should Be Cute Too, Right?

With the football season in full swing, I figured it was only fair that I gave my newly adopted pup some Ravens gear too. And now that she is officially my dog forever, she can't live without her purple. So the first accessory she gets is her very own Ravens dog collar.

365(ish) view
 (Her left)
 (Her right)

I think she'll need some Halloween accessories next. Oh the possibilities! 

If you're interested in a festival collar for your pup, email me for details

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Creamy Sun Dried Tomato Dip

It’s been a while since I’ve had some time to play around in the kitchen. Over the weekend I made this dip for a lunch party. It was a completely make-as-you-go type of cooking adventure. It ended with a simple but delish, light and fluffy dip that I couldn’t stop eating. Warning- you may find it addictive as well.

(Bad lighting in my kitchen made this look rather yellow. It's not like this in real life!)

Creamy Sun Dried Tomato Dip
1 block or pack tofu extra firm

5 oz sun dried tomatoes in oil
1 clove garlic
1 tsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp dried basil

Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until desire consistency. For a smoother, more liquid spread, add water or the oil from the sun dried tomatoes until you reach the desired consistency.

This would probably be great with pita chips or broccoli, any vegetable really. I had snow peas which tasted delicious, or my personal favorite, eating it by the spoon- although that’s extremely dangerous (I could have eaten the whole jar)!


Friday, July 20, 2012

"The Key To Change Is To Let Go Of Fear"

Two weeks from today, I will be officially unemployeed. Terrified? Yup. Excited? Abso-freakin-lutely.

I'm leaving my 1st career job out of college, where I've worked for 2 years, to persue one of my dreams. In August, I will be joining AmeriCorps to work with Habitat for Humanity. Quitting a long-term, well-paying marketing position with an established marketing agency for a 12-month job with a poverty-level income? Yup, I did that. Some think I've lost my mind, others think it's awesome (and I'm with them). Regardless, I'm taking a leap of faith for an opportunity I've considered since high school. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. I guess 'they' were right when they say life isn't all about the money. And as if this new job isn't cool enough, it will cut my communte in half!

And it gets better... Between jobs, I'm going on vacation for a week to the beach with my family. All while training for the Baltimore half-marathon and the Tough Mudder later this year.

Major change, relaxation and new challenges- couldn't ask for a much better way to take advantage of the last full month of summer. 

What are your exciting plans to close out this summer? Don't let it slip away! 

Title quote by Rosanne Cash

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Apple Crumble

With summer around, it's essential to have an easy, fresh go-to dessert. I realized this would be a challenge when all of my old summer recipes have added sugar, so out with the old and in with the new healthier options! My first creation (other than the hazelnut below which is great on fresh berries) is my Apple Crumble.

The Crumble

1 c. coconut shreds, unsweetended
1/2 c. almond flour
2 tsp. vanilla extract
6 Tbsp. coconut oil

Melt coconut oil on stove top. Add remaining ingredients listed above, stirring occasionally until coconut is toasted golden brown.

The Apples
About 5 apples, peeled, cored & chopped into bite size pieces (I like to use green and red for a mixed flavor)
2 Tbsp. honey, more if you prefer it sweeter
About 1 Tbsp. cinnamon, more or less if desired

Mix these 3 ingredients and place in the fridge to marinate for about an hour. pre-heat oven to 400.

Once apples have marinated, spread in baking dish and top with the toasted crumble. Bake until the apples are slightly softened.

*For a quicker option, skip marinating the apples for an hour. Simply let them marinate while you toast the crumble mixture. You can also soften the apples in the microwave as opposed to baking them. I have done them in the microwave for about 3 minutes but our microwave tends to be a bit wacky so be sure to check them every so often.

Happy Eating! :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

If you can't find me, try looking here...

For the unofficial kickoff of summer this Memorial Day weekend, I finished decorating the deck off the back of my house. And it's about time. Since I live in the city but love sunshine and being outside, an outside area was a necessity. It turned out super cute- one of my new favorite places to relax!

Can't wait to have a cookout tomorrow! 

Happy Memorial Day Everyone! :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Sour Cream"

As a should-be dairy free person, I really miss the creaminess that cheese and sour cream provides. The other day I found my vegan sour cream made with almonds that I used a lot while I was vegan. The recipe was ok but a little bitter for making dips. You could tell it was a sour cream substitute. In attempts to make it better, I thought to add pureed white beans for that consistency and to help balance out the taste. It turned out great! This will definitely be a staple in my refrigerator now.

You can use it for anything. I make it plain, like the recipe below, then add things as I need them. So one batch can provide produce a bunch of different dips or toppings. I mixed it with garlic and Italian seasoning to make an 'Alfredo' sauce, red sauce to make a vodka sauce, taco seasoning (homemade) for a taco dip spread, hot peppers to top a black bean Mexican dish or try it with any spices you want! You can even add this to any hummus-like dip to make it extra creamy and delicious.

I didn't take exact measurements since this was an experiment but this should be pretty close.

~3/4 c. blanched almonds (can be soaked but not necessary)
16 oz white beans
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
3 squirts lemon juice
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. garlic

Place the almonds in a blender or food processor. I found the blender worked better since 3/4 cup doesn't fill the food processor enough to really puree them. Add water to cover the almonds and begin blending. I blended them for at least 3 minutes to make sure all bits were eliminated. If it starts sticking to the sides or getting clumpy and not really blending anymore, scrape the sides of the blender down and add more water. You will have added enough water when the almonds are pureed into a fine paste, about the consistency of sour cream.

Add the remaining ingredients until you reach a creamy consistency. The beans will completely puree so you won't even know they are there! You may need a bit more water once the beans are added but judge as you go along.

Sorry I don't have better measurements for the amount of water. Next time I'll be sure to keep track and repost!

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My New Kitchen Gadget

Do you ever just get tired of the random crap around your house? It drives me nuts! So Sunday we de-cluttered my entire house. Taking a car load of worthless things to the dump and Goodwill is such a relieving feeling! After all was cleaned out and organized (something I'm slightly obsessed with), we set this up...
And I love it! There's a place for everything and allows for so much more counter space. Oh the little pleasures in life...